Call or Text 417-771-8585 to Schedule
PhotoFacial Skin Rejuvenation
Skin rejuvenation treatments eliminate sun damage and age spots, reduces crepiness by tightening skin, and encourages collagen production that reduces wrinkles and creates a softer smoother skin.
All PhotoFacial and Photo Rejuvenation Treatments are performed with a combination of light therapy and radio frequency technology for improved results compared to older methods.
Pico Laser Resurfacing Facials
Laser Vein Treatments
Varicose veins.... $60.00 and up
Broken Capillaries.... $40.00 and up
Full face.... $145
Partial face.... $99
- cheeks, forehead & nose (TBD)
Photo Rejuvenation
Laser Acne Treatments
Full face, throat and neck.... $145.00
Decolletage (chest).... $125.00
Ultimate Combo.... $199.00
- Full face, decolletage (chest), throat and neck
Hands.... $60.00
Arms.... $80.00
Lower arms and hands.... $125.00
Full arms and hands.... $150.00
Shoulders and back of neck.... $150.00
Stomach.... $100.00
- includes top of pubic area to rib cage and hip bones
Full face.... $75.00
Partial face.... $55.00
- chin, cheeks, forehead or nose (TBD) -
Full back .... $99.00
Upper back and shoulders.... $65.00 and up
Chest.... $65 and up
We recommend pairing our Photofacials with our 180 Vitamin C skin brightening face wash. Use daily for a faster result. Evens skin tone and brightens.
We recommend pairing our Photo Rejuvenation with both our 180 Vitamin C skin brightening face wash (can be used on the body) and the . Use daily for a faster result. Evens skin tone and brightens.