Call or Text 417-771-8585 to Schedule
Pricing reflects the cost of an individual session. Number of sessions needed to achieve permanent hair removal varies by the area being treated and person. Call or text us for more information.
Facial Areas
Full face.... $75
Half face.... $65
Lip only.... $40
Chin only.... $40
Chin and throat combo.... $60
Lip and Chin combo.... $60
Women's sideburns.... $30
Women's back neckline.... $45
Men's front neckline.... $55
- throat to beard -
Men's back neckline.... $55
Beard shaping.... $75
- includes neckline front/back plus cheeks -
Widow's Peak.... $35
Between the eyebrows.... $30
Head.... $85
Upper Body
Lower Body
Underarms (both).... $55
Half arms (both).... $75
- includes hands if desired -
Full arms (both).... $90
- includes hands if desired -
Fingers and Hands.... $45
Feet and Toes.... $45
Women's decolletage.... $60
- decolletage "V" and areola if desired -
Stomach.... $65
- under breast to pelvis -
Stomach line.... $35
- navel to pelvis -
Small of back.... $40
Full chest.... $150
- includes stomach and front of shoulders -
Half chest.... $80
- upper chest and front of shoulders -
Full back.... $150
- includes shoulders -
Half back.... $80
- upper or lower back only
Whole legs (both).... $125
- up to bikini line, includes feet and toes -
Half legs (both).... $90
- 4" above the knee down to and including feet and toes -
Bikini line.... $60
Full bikini.... $75
- bikini line plus top of triangle and inner thigh -
Full bikini line extended.... $85
- full bikini triangle area leaving small strip -
Full brazilian.... $90
- removes all hair in front, back and in-between -
Buttocks + hips.... $75
- full buttocks plus areas of hips typically covered by a tank style swimsuit