Call or Text 417-771-8585 to Schedule
Facial Areas
Upper Body
Lower Body
Full face.... $60.00
Lip only.... $25.00
Chin only.... $25.00
Lip and Chin combo.... $40.00
Women's sideburns.... $25.00
Men's neckline.... $35.00
- throat of beard -
Neckline.... $35.00
- back of neck -
Beard shaping.... $60.00
- includes neckline front/back plus cheeks -
Head.... $60.00
Underarms.... $35.00
Half arms.... $50.00
- includes hands if desired -
Full arms.... $65.00
- includes underarms and hands if desired -
Women's decolletage.... $40.00
- decolletage "V" and areola if desired -
Full chest.... $100.00
- includes stomach and front of shoulders -
Half chest.... $60.00
- upper chest and front of shoulders -
Full back.... $100.00
- includes shoulders -
Half back.... $60.00
- upper or lower back only
Whole legs.... $80.00
- up to bikini line, includes foot and toes -
Half legs.... $60.00
- upper legs up to bikini line or lower legs
including feet and toes; both options include
knees if desired -
Bikini line.... $35.00
Full bikini.... $50.00
- bikini line plus top of triangle -
Full bikini line extended.... $60.00
- full bikini triangle area leaving small strip -
Full brazilian.... $75.00
- removes all hair in front, back and in-between -
Buttocks + hips.... $40.00
- full buttocks plus areas of hips typically
covered by a tank style swimsuit